Wednesday, 14 November 2012


Music Magazine Questionnaire.

My music magazine is aimed at teens aged 14+, the genre of the magazine is r&b.

What names do you like for the music magazine?





What colour schemes do you like the most?

1. White, Red & Black

2. Light blue, Yellow & Black

3. Purple, Light green & Black

4. Pink, Yellow, Blue

What articles would you want to see?

1. Charts

2. Pull outs

3. News on artists etc…

4. Reviews of latest releases

5. Upcoming Tours

6. Upcoming Artists

7. Latest Downloads

8. Other __________________

This magazine will be released on a monthly bases therefore how much will you be willing to pay?

1. £1.50

2. £2.50

3. £3.00

4. £3.50

What would you like to see on a double page spread?

1. Interview with band/artist.

2. Fact file.

3. Tour pictures.

4. Latest Music video pictures + information.

5.History of releases to date and forthcoming new releases

6. Tour dates.

7. Other ______________

Would a free gift encourage you to buy the magazine?

1. Yes

2. No

If so, what would you like?


What style of font would you prefer?

1. Bold and Harsh

2. Italic and Soft

3. Verdana

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